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Cransley Hospice Logo Quiz

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Pebbles | 15:36 Fri 06th Oct 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
18 Answers
Has anyone got any more sites where I can search for the answer to some of these logo pictures?

Already tried the scopper site, which was good.

How is everyone else doing, got to be in by next Thursday !!!!!!



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What is scopper site Pebbles. I still have some to get and I have been image googling but have now run out of ideas and inspiration. xx
Acouple of Logo quizzes with answers here.
Hi earthakitten,
Is this one of the quizzes you'll be sending me? It doesn't look like I've got much time to do it, if it's got to be in by next Thursday. Wonder if it's worth it?
Hi BJ ... No it's not this one. One is Samaritans Link Words c/d 11th november and the other is my Cransley Pictures c/d 12th January so have no fear, I wouldn't do that to you. It's been a fantastic response so far and all those received today are already in the post. Sent yours first class BJ so it might be with you tomorrow !!! xx
Phew! That's a relief. Thought I was going to have to go like the clappers to get a logo quiz finished before next Thursday - especially one that people are having trouble with!!!

I will pounce on my postman tomorrow morning.
Question Author
Hi earthakitten,

Someone posted a site and then to click on the logo quiz,

I am struggling on 3, 7, 10,13,16,36,46,49,56,86,106, and 114,

Want to swap hints if you have some I don't and vica versa?

No.106 is Readers Digest.
Are we hinting or swapping at this stage !!
Closing date looming ... xx
Looks like we are stuck on many the same ... Will check again in the morning. Kitten needs beauty sleep. xx
Hi pebbles
Doing this quiz myself but i'm stuck on 33 of them at the moment don't look like i'll be sending mine off. i can give you some you have'nt got No 10 Welcome Break 36 Macromedia 114 Thorn E.M.I the rest of yours i have,nt got plus more

Question Author
Many thanks Quizmaster and Arabesque for your answers.

earthakitten, I think we need to swap now, time running out. Let me know what you need, you know what I need , less the answers from the 2 clever people above :-)

Thanks, Pebbles
Pebbles..have you got ...100 and 101..PLEASE.. ..champion.
46 is xerox.......thanks
Evening dyson ...
Can't seem to get an exact match on the pound sign ... sorry
101. Konica
Question Author
I can only get Poundstretcher for No 100, sorry,
I can't swap any more Pebbles as I haven't got any that you need.If anyone else wants any swaps these are the ones I need now and I am pretty certain of all the others
7, 13, 16, 49, 75, 86, 90, 100, 116, 123

If I come across new ones that you haven't got Pebbles I will do a swap but it looks like a lot we are both stuck on. Speak soon. xx
Hi Earthkitten & Pebbles..I can't match the � sign either ,poundstretcher is quite plain so not sure about that.. Liecester tigers R.F.C.
Pebbles ... have answered your question on the other thread.
Have suggested to Wolverine that we re-group tomorrow for a last ditch attempt.
These are the ones that I know I need.
7, 13, 16, 49, 75, 90, 116, (100 ? )
I am pretty certain with all the others . If any of you fancy a swap,one for one feel free to ask !! xx

Ok if I pop in here tomorrow to see if anyone has found out the last ellusive ones, and if I do, will let you know.


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