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mybutty | 14:04 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
there's a website that gives the answer to express crosswords, mail on sunday crossword, magazine competitions, and lots more it was realy handy to check my answers, i had it listed on my 'favourites', but my husband has been fiddling with the computer and lost my whole list of 'favourites' can anyone tell me what site it was. thanks for all replys


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thanks alot bluebell
There used to be another one which also did magazines and newspapers, but for some reason this seems to have changed it's format from my 'Favourites' List. Hopefully, someone else my have it and post an answer.
this is the one for the mags :-)
That's the one shaneystar. That's the address I've got in my Favourite list, but for some reason it comes up suggesting I buy an ipod! I have now deleted that one and replaced it with the site you've given. I'm dog sitting a Yorkie puppy at the moment who is demanding I play ball, so off I go to do as I'm told!!

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