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Billy_Bonka | 19:27 Sun 15th Oct 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
48 Answers
Measurer of rotating force ??R?U? / METER
In a continually preoccupied manner (11)
Seed Machine (5)
Malicious software S??????
Items to be corrected E?R?T?
One against state cooperation (14)


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You clasher, will be a credit to the site if you do try and give a few answers back. I do not believe you will use others as this person has done.
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Golden prat you really need to seek help you sad deluded prat. You don't even realise you're being laughed at. Idiot.
I'll set the record straight for you, again, seeing as you ignored my last explanation.
In the interim of your last inane rant I have had to travel some distance and back to my Godmother's funeral and then resumed decorating my new apartment thus leaving me little time to complete the 12 crosswords that I religiously do and post in the hope of winning. if you care to check my history you will find that I do not normally post so many questions.
I only post this so that others will not be tainted by your simpleton opinions of me and do what most crossword lovers ( A phrase you seem to be obsessed with ) do and that is to answer questions other people post.
I suggest you seek medical help, psychiatric obviously, and take up basket weaving, crossword questions seem to unbalance you.
My best wishes to you in your recovery from an obviously needed labotomy.
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Nice people do this. Miserable moan.
-- answer removed --
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Don't single me out for your spite goldenfield.You were not around when we had the last Marlboro contest which would have tried the patience of a saint.I wasn't the only one who was fed up with them...Strikes me you have set yourself as some sort of Q&P policeperson.Person did I say? You must be a woman no man could be as bitchy as that !You must lead a miserable existence if all you can find to do is niggle at people.I do crosswords for relaxation not to get myself steamed up over them.It's all ephemeral anyway and is forgotten about once they 're done and sent in .I suppose you frame yours as proof of your great superiority.

Sorry to hear your sad news Billy ..and good luck.
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Thanks Shaney, much appreciated. I suppose we are just going to have to put up with this prat. Just as well there aren't so many oddballs around on this site.
For the record, I thought the nutter was a woman.
One again you have made my point for me - if you were a crossword lover and not just out to win prizes, you would have left this weeks crosswords or tried to do them in slower time. The fact that you did not has convincingly proved you are not the crossword lover you claim to be - as you HAVE to get all the crosswords done by whatever means. And you have forgotten too that I have not posted against you when you have kept your questions within bounds - but this is hardly the first time you have asked a dozen questions or more at a time. People can laugh at me by all means, though you are guessing that, but show me one other person who is so desperate to win a prize that they will ask the amount of questions you do. Show me ONE other person who you see doing so and I will leave the site completely. Others have difficulties doing the amount of crosswords they do and some do far more crosswords than you do but NONE, not one, is prepared to use others to the extent that you have done.

You can call me all the names under the sun but I do not use others for my own ends in the way you do. Every time you post you show more and more that you are never going to use the site to help one other person with their clues, just continue to post as many questions as you need to do to ensure that you post the amount of crosswords that you HAVE to do every week to perhaps win a prize. I rather think that it is crosswords that are unbalancing you, not me, as unlike you, I do not HAVE to do a specific number of crosswords, and if I do not complete one it is not the end of the world as it obviously is for you - I love trying to complete them but if one beats me then I will just try again next week, the prize, even if there is one, being less important than the trying.
Which is why I say you are not a true crossword lover and why I will always stand against you when you post the number of questions you have done in the past and again today. Do you even think about the time of the people who are answering your questions or do you really believe they are just waiting to answer your questions? If you think I am on my own in my opinion, fine, but just do the one thing - show me ONE other person who asks as many questions as you do - and then ask yourself why, if you are as much a crossword lover as them, why they do not and then ask yourself whether a prize is so important that you have to depend on the kindness of others to such a degree
Spite, shaneystar2? Hardly. I was just commenting that you have had a go at people using the site in just the same way as this person does - so you can not really condemn me for having very much the same opinion as you had then. Or is it one rule for you and one for me?
Dear oh dear've got worries .You are laughable ..get a life for God's sake or see someone sound to me as if you are completely nuts.
There are loads of people who ask Q's all the time ..why single one person out for your malice.
It's nothing to do with being a crossword "lover".It's a WEBSITE ..a bit FUN. Do you go up to people in real life and berate them ?
My time is my own to do what I want with and if that means I want to spend that time answering peoples Q's I will.
So you are going to stalk someone now are you and berate them every time they post ? Sour puss!
Watch your nasty ways or you will find yourself reported.
Question Author
You have to be the saddest person I have ever come across. Seek help very quickly.
By the way, I am going to post questions that I already have the answer to just to do your small minded head in.
I hope to God you don't live near me.
Try and understand what answerbank is all about and realise it wasn't set up for your own fascist ideals.
I feel a little sorry for you. Get a life and leave us normal people alone. Next you'll be telling me what to wear and what to eat.
You really must have a poor life, again, I feel sorry for you.
Oh for pities sake, shaneystar2 - go ahead and report me if you are as mean spirited as that!
Question Author
The idiot obviously doesn't understand the point of answerbank.
The only ones that annoy me are repeated Q's or ones with no clue ...just a number.We are not mind readers.
I am sick of arguing with you and we bunging up Billys inbox.
Goodnight ....misery.
You do not even know me, so how can I be the saddest person you have ever come across? ROFL. Yes thats just the type of person you are - to ask questions you already know the answer to - wasting others time for your own petty games.

Can you answer my question whether there is anybody who asks more questions than you and if not why not? No? Did not think you could.

You also get annoyed when you think people are posting questions but will never answer any questions, as with the Marlboro lot. Goodnight shaneystar2
Never answer any questions! How dare you .. you cheeky sod.How come in my profile I have answered 4,962 Q's then ..answer me that one .Type my username into the search category .And if I don't answer Marlboro it's because I don't know the ruddy answers you ..know all ?
Go and boil your head you nutcase.
You have misread my post, shaneystar2! I know full well you answer many questions so why would I say you do not? I meant that you get annoyed with those who ask questions but will not answer any themselves as per Marlboro. I know you are annoyed with me but please do not make this a war between you and me when I have no argument with you in the slightest.
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Again, seek help. Straws-Clutching-At. Sound familiar ?
Perhaps that's too much like a question, best leave it alone. Wouldn't want you having a breakdown. Again.

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