No 59. Child's game refers to the first word of the answer - a 3 letter word for a game involving a lot of running around and usually played by children. 'Finishes' refers to the second word - just another word for this. 'left over pieces' is the overall meaning of the two words together.
I have an answer for 67, but am uncertain of it and cannot explain - I'll tell you what I have if you want answers though.
Afraid I can't help with 74 yet - so if you have inspiriation I'd love to hear it!
67) The game is a card game - normally played by/with children (4 letters) Continue tediously is 2 words. Stick them all together and look it up in Chambers.
for kettledrum
74) It's disconcerting but not likely to get you in a hole! (3,7)
67) Continue tediuosly after the game - but you may get your fingers burned! (10)
59) Child's game finishes with left over pieces. (3,4)
Thanks Goofy....I think you and catfish have prob given very adequate clues for the moment. It's difficult to be helpful if one doesn't know the question.
Goofy Clue 74 Does Golf have anything to do with this clue. perhaps you could help with a further clue. Golf seems to have something to do with clue 78 ???
I'd say there is a golf link to no 78 - for the second word only though. 78 could refer to the equipment, whereas 74 is more the action/technique.
Not sure I have more help to give for 59 though unless it becomes too obvious. I guess in the child's game you'd be saying 'you're it!' - at least in the version I used to play!