Right...made a reasonable start at top of crossword, but could anyone help with 12a Brass exchanged for this is easily gained (3,4) o??/?o?e....and then to get me started in the bottom half, can anyone help with 25a Measure of intelligence coming unstuck, Iraq raid angered us concievably (8,7)...these will really help, thanks
You are joking !...with the weekend I've had...just getting going on this one..are you up for a couple, they might be obvious but will get me done quicker?
You asked for it!!!....13d surprisingly they dared to take away water (9) d?????a??.....15d America's calumnies in conflict one's disregarded.(5,3)?????/S??...will get next few ready while you're doing these..which should take you 2 mins!!!
Kayakamina....I really take my hat off to you!!! I am sure that when I think straight and hard I will get most...but you get them so quickly!!! You really are an expert!...and you explain your anwers!!!..that helps. I will get there eventually!!..you are becoming famous in our house as I always say you will know the answer!! ...together with several other regulars.....and thanks also kettledrum who can be relied upon....don't go away!!!!