1-Ground used for short time by cold man ?I?C?D 2-Stock control marking ??? / ???E 3-One not in organization N?? / ???B?? 5-4-Tom, Dick or Harry ??? / ?? / ??? / S???E? 6-Utterly bewildered M?????I?D 7-Ionic ( in chemical bonding ) E?E?????A???T 8-Something concealing real conditions S?????C???N 9-Salary arrears (7) 10-Slightly projecting from a surface P???? 11-Line from a Scot's song (4,4,3,2,4 ) 12-Kent dockyard town ??A?H?? 13-Revival of interest R???I???N?E 14-Type of Conservative T???C???I?? 15-Concerning sailors ??U???A?