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Heather33 | 17:17 Sun 19th Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
less reticent with a team member
o?e?r? ??opener
only later getting upset about the contradiction
r???t?a? ?? rebuttal
hurt when one spoke angrily to
??r?e? ??barked


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2. re BUT tal . . . . (later <<)
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thanks john
I have opener for 14a but not sure about 21 down. 20a is Rebuttal
Question Author
thanks polly
Could 21d be barbed?
Hi Heather - 'less recitent' . . . . 'more open' . . . . "opener"!
Also team member in cricket, bowler who starts/opens.
21d Cursed ?
The more i look at the definition of barbed the more I favour this as an answer for barbed

adj 1: capable of wounding; "a barbed compliment"; "a biting aphorism"; "pungent satire"

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