2. Grass reverses after the communist 3. Whisky precedes the confused sweetener for this flier. 14. Agitate idle wheel confusion 22. A dram returns before a point for our native variety.
No of letters not given. Any help gratefully received. J.
We are Scottish or Scots, scotch is reserved for the drink and for Scotch Mist.
In the clue, the 'dram' refers to a 'nip' which when returned = pin. The point is E (east). The clue only leads to the word 'pine'. 'Our native variety' is the only clue to the first word, and as any reference book will tell you, the tree is knows as the SCOTS PINE.
3 is the Scotch Argus. (despite what I said earlier about 'Scotch')
(argus is an anagram of 'sugar')
According to Wikipedia:
The Scotch Argus (Erebia aethiops) is a butterfly of the Nymphalidae family. It occurs in certain coastal areas of eastern Scotland.