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pantomime or panto characters

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bookwormer | 14:45 Sun 26th Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Stuck on two:

21. Miss perfect puts both feet in them
(no number of letters) not Cinderella, already have that for another answer.

22. He'll taper out in the pot (possibly anagram???)

Any ideas?



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goody two shoes?
22. Peter Pan.
22. Peter Pan.
have you got an answer for Nos. 5 and 6 please?
sorry I meant 5 and 7 not 6.
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Thank you to goosing,Dinkypuzzled and Granny C for those great answers, I had Peter Pan for no. 7 (Bit of a fly boy this chap) but your answer's correct, so I am going to have to think of something else for that one!
Granny C, No.6 I have Sleeping Beauty but I'm really sorry, have just realised haven't got no.5, I had put Snow White then crossed it out when that fitted better else where and at a glance hadn't realised there was no answer there, so I haven't finished after all!! Many thanks again to all.
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Granny C, just had another look on google for panto characters and come up with Wishee Washee, think that could be the answer to no 5 She's very grey scale!
Hi bookwormer
Where can I get a copy of this quiz? I am trying to put together some christmas questions for a fun quiz at a local youth group and this sounds as if it would be a good one
Question Author
I got it via a friend, but I would assume if you wrote to who you return answers to you should be able to get one :

Angela Brett
233 Blandford Ave
NN16 9AT

It's a Panto Quiz
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Forgot to say it costs �1 but not sure who cheque is payable to.

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pantomime or panto characters

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