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Quiz questions

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Cheekystar | 16:48 Thu 30th Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
can anyone recommend some quiz websites where I can get some inspriation for our Xmas quiz, they don't have to be xmas related!


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Send �1 and a sae to Children of Fiji, 1 South Drive, Cattistock, Dorchester, Dorset and we will send you 100 questions that all lead to the names of films of the big screen (answers available on January 13th for those you don't get!)
All money raised will go towards helping disadvantaged children.
Alternatively for �1 and sae for each/any of our recent past quizes. We can send questions and answers for past quizes such as places in Britain (cryptic and factual), TV programmes (cryptic or factual) or supermarket products (picture quiz)

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