Mature Times Quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Mature Times Quiz

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Ameida | 18:32 Wed 10th Jan 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Can anyone please help with just two questions I have left to answer.

There are two clues to each question.
1. Rough time estimate - or - Not long now but don't hold your breath. (3,3,4)
I have O?E ?A? S?O?

2. Magnet like material - or Let Crete attract like a magnet. (8)
I have E?E?T?E?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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2. Electret?
1 One day soon
Question Author
I have just figured out the answers after much brain searching.

One day soon

and Electret.

I feel such an idiot that I figured out the answers just after posting the questions. DOH!!!!
Question Author
Thank you both for your speedy answers. You gave them just as I was typing out the last message.

At least you have both confirmed my answers.

Thanks you once again.

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