I'm doing this one , but I am really struggling .
1876. mark twain wrote the adventures of tom sawyer.
1972. richard leakey discovered a two and half million year old skull in kenya. can you help me with 1932. 1944.1958 and 1960. I still need more but I'm completely stuck.thanks.
thanks granny helen, f
I have 1932......The Mars Bar created......but do check, 1960......United States Scientists Develop Laser Device....but again do double check.
Thanks from me for the 1960 answer, nicky999. I'd got United States and laser but couldn't get the whole phrase.
I've got Gatwick Airport Opened for 1958 and Alaska becoming an American State for 1959, but I can't work the latter one into a proper phrase either. Sorry, I'm also stuck on the other ones you're both looking for.
I'm stuck on several others as well but would really appreciate help with the two that are bugging me the most: