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tpw536w | 15:26 Mon 22nd Jan 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
1824 lbditgw
1884 furil
1886 tfcds
1919 uspb
1920 rtbc
1922 ssfussr
1934 ahbd
1936 ahotog

thanks for any help


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1884 = First underground railway in London
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Ternigapp I thought that but the date is out.
1934 = Adolf Hitler becomes Dictator
1936 = Adolf Hitler opens the Olympic Games

Hi tpw, I found the info on Wikipedia which says that by 1884 the Inner Circle (now Circle Line) was complete.
Question Author
Lets go for it then. Thanks again
1824) Lord Byron dies in Turko-Greek war
1919) United States prohibition begins (began)
1922)Soviet States form U.S.S.R.

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