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The Week

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paulineward | 23:00 Sun 04th Feb 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
25 Answers
Right..after being told this is easy this week, I am either thick or burnt out! What a weekend at home..and on here it seems! Can anyone get me started so that I can then race ahead!....
4d Disease? Do confine it! (9)
1a Womaniser, hair adrift in luck with love (8)


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Sorry K ...crossed posts! goodnight and thanks so much..sleep well. Tomorrow's another day!
I missed the post aimed at K as I've been off line most of the day .. I think it must have been reported and removed by the time I looked back ... but have seen some of the nonsense upsetting Shaney. Why do some people have to behave in this way? Hope you are ok .. I WILL e-mail tomorrow. Have just finished Sun tel Cryptic so pleased with that! ;0)
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Listen Sarumite...I know you are can feel free to e-mail just as and when you like. You think of you first for a change.
I missed the thread myself..I was out most of the day also. You can read back if you feel inclined!
Just hope the people I care about on here are okay.
Love Pauline...hope your mother is well.
Yes I really do hope that our good friends have not been too badly affected by all this nonsense .. thankfully the vast majority of users are well-meaning and friendly people.
Will probably be up just after six in the morning, so guess I should call it a day now.
Good night Pauline (S) x
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S..tried to post back, got disconnected! Belated goodnight anyway. Got sent to bed by Mr O-ice last night...brilliant!

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