I agreee that it would be sad to see shaneystar2 going ....
But, It does appear that shaneystar2 is doubling up as blackandtan?
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Quizzes-and-Puz zles/Crosswords/Question360215.html
this was noticed by gen2 in his answer in this question -
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Quizzes-and-Puz zles/Question360383.html
and a few weeks ago, someone thought that she was doubling as another Aber, and there was a fuss about that -cant remember the name though?
the sooner AB get software that identifies the ID no. of ABer's computers, the better. Hopefully, this will also sort out Abers who get banned and then re-register under a very similar name that makes it obvious that it is a banned ABer, back again!