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jodder | 19:49 Tue 13th Feb 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
No answers please but would really appreciate some tips for clues 55 and 91.
Barman puts drink on the bar
Effeminate, he made fuss noisily with rolling stone.

Thank you


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Do you have the numbers of letters?
91 Think of a drink ..dark coloured spirit ...then a famous fictional Barrister at the Old Bailey.
Think of a word for effeminate .....then look for an ancient Greek rolling a stone !
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word length 55 is 7 and 91 is8 argee2 . Got them both now shaneystar2 many thanks.
No.55 Think of a short answer alcoholic drink and add another word for a pole.
No.91 I'm still tryong to answer this.
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Thank you bracelet. I have finished this quiz now so if i can help you i will. Shaneystar sugessted to think of another word for effeminate and i thought of sissy and it came quite easily after that! Hope that helps

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