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dailymail 22/2/07

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masonbm | 17:41 Thu 22nd Feb 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
1. "Discussion I put back, protecting university"

2. "Scandinavian dog always needs exercise at start"

3. "Son immediately following everybody in
cold shower"

Help please!


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2 the clue dog always......
3 S now fall
1 Dialogue = ego + laid about U <<<<<
And I was looking for a word ending with l and second letter l !
I've done the same in the past, but I just sensed that the last letter was improbable and went for the clue ab initio - and it paid off!

Well done you for spotting the answer DANE as the intial letters D(og) A(lways) N(eeds) E(xercise) = "at start"
Something's gone awry with my italics!
Crofter I thought you may be able to help Avatar in the post ,two below this, who is seeking advice on crossword setting.
I'm not sure if you have ever done any but you are a whizz at clue analysis! K
Thanks K, Yes I used to do a fortnightly crossword in a local freebie called "PubScene" for the best part of a year. I'll see what's happening down below!

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dailymail 22/2/07

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