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my weekly 2349

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wendyl | 23:00 Tue 27th Feb 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
I am struggling with this please help

10a Bum Noel became because of Lily (7)
8d Looking into the mental process...(13)
27a Complex psychological problems (13) ?????i?????e?


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10a Nelumbo
8d Introspection
anagram of BUM NOEL -- nelumbo (type of lily)
27a inferiorities ?
Question Author
will try that teacher

22a Sedates soldiers with mesmerism first (5) t???

23d Clot no more , so dispersed out east (5)

19d Supple at 50 is not for all(7) l???r??

22a tames
19d Lissome
23d Moron
8d ...Introspective
If you are stuck wendy I have all the answers for this from last weeks MW.
Question Author
thanks shaney but i'm stll stuck on 24a sounds like enchantments (9) I??????n?s

20d Thing to change before morning (7) t?????t

14a A pointer to heaven (5) s?i?e
Question Author
thanks shaney if you could post the answers to above I'll try to solve the rest with the extra letters
Question Author
thanks again have completed now Obviously the setter of these puzzles changed recently who likes big words

regards shaney
Good luck ....I found it very hard .!

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