If you are there K? Done about half of it..that's good for me!.If you can help with a couple to get me going again!...many thanks 14d Greek agreed to take a rest mostly outside (10)..third letter C 5d US author featuring in poster (6) ?a???? 10a Criticism of wine from insignificant type (6) ?o????
Thanks K..didn't see the 'chimed' and 'agreed'. Hate it when I can't 'see' the answer...will never learn otherwise.
Can you help with...China on the go not worth much. (6) first letter P
K...what!!!??? rugby takes precedence over me and the week!!...dinkypuzzled, stand by if my old china is deserting me! Thanks to you both I have now finished it..except clue of the week which I am sure I will get if I think about it...a hollow farewell (4)
goodnight and thanks to you both...speak soon!