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The Week

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paulineward | 22:43 Sun 11th Mar 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
31 Answers
Just cannot get started on this...only done 2! Kayakamina normally helps me on a Sunday night, but he has deserted me for the rugby!! So can anyone help me get started...

1d Presenting in top position yet with debts. (9)
16d Blitz oil company's head of finance with anger (9)
10a Bridge player in a brawl astonished (3-6)

many thanks for any help to kick start me!!!


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Thanks so much, I have done it now. Feel bit of a cheat to send it in, but will do anyway! One day I will do it unaided!!
Will see you both on line soon. Sleep well K..sweet dreams of the winning tries!!! I got quite excited watching the highlights!
Thanks for your welcome Pauline - I love the challenge of all the questions posed and the satisfaction of being able to solve some of them!
Goodnight Pauline. Looking forward to my bed as it was a long day. I don't drive any more and my Grandson had all the headaches of negotiating London - but still tiring.
Best wishes K
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You are most welcome netkey. I have seen you on line, as I have been on and off all day. Weekends are busy here! You have worked hard, and helped lots. Glad you are having a good time. Nice to be reassured there are decent helpful people about isn't it. You are among a lovely group, long may you stay!!!..we all get to know each other!
Kind Regards...Pauline
Also goodnight my good friend kayakamina! ..x
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We crossed in posting glad you had a good day. All my family knew you were at the rugby!! When I posted The Week tonight, they laughed when I shouted you were back!!!
Goodnight...see you during the week!
Take great care Pauline xx
Congratulations Pauline - I know you've had help from Kayakamina on 7 of the clues, but you've done all the rest - and it's only taken you about an hour.
I've just managed to get some time to myself & thought I might join you and Kayakamina (& netkey) but you were way ahead of me, and everything was already done and dusted. Might have an early night instead! Not nearly as much fun, but good for me. Sleep well everyone.
I'm glad I can help - yes it is busy at weekends. This seems to have become my weekend (especially Sunday night) hobby. It keeps my mind off going back to work tomorrow! I only do one crossword each week - Guardian on Saturday, but enjoy the clues from all the others that people do.
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Kettledrum...hi! so good to hear from you! The Week only arrived on Saturday lunch time this week. So when I started it tonight, got halfway through and realised I hadn't e-mailed it to you! By then it had all my scrawlings all over it!!!
Hope you have had a good weekend, and that all is well. Will mail you soon!
Love Pauline xx
Question Author
It's good to exercise the brain netkey! I NEVER go on chat lines, but this site is the only contact I have made with people 'on line'. I think this site is quite exceptional, in that the people mostly are caring, kind...and very clever. I have met some lovely people who have enriched my life.
I look forward to my ..almost...daily 'fix'!!!
You will soon be well addicted.
Have a good week at work..and look forward to your weekend with your AB-friends!!!
Pauline - I've been flat out all weekend, so I wouldn't have had a chance to look at it anyway, but it's lovely that you thought of me.
I really think I might take out a subscription. Quite a lot of my friends and relations speak very highly of it.
Have a good week.
Question Author
Thanks kettledrum. Apart from the crossword, it is a good mag. Get it on the offer though. I will mail you another offer detail if you don't have it. It summarises all the main news stories of the week, and prints all the best articles from the dailys. It is very up to date, and seems quite impartial to me. I quite enjoy it. It is also an easy read!
Speak soon..Pauline xx

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