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the first what in britain?

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kc79 | 18:24 Thu 15th Mar 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
the first what ?? in britain was a gift from hakon iv of norway to king henry 111 in the 13th century?

2 word answer


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I think this was a Polar bear!
Polar bear
It's reasonable, I think, to infer from this that Henry III did in fact have a white or pale bear (depending on your choice of translation) at this time, given him by H�kon IV of Norway; reasonable, too, to assume the king meant it to catch its own food in the Thames (to the likely alarm and distress of local traders and ferrymen). But do we assume this "white bear" was a polar bear? There are, after all, such things as "white bears". There's no evidence either way, though it does somehow seem
Sorry, teacher1, but white bear doesn't fit the clue. It's also boring!
What's boring ?
White bear - hardly carries the same cachet, does it?
Welcome to the AB kc79. Sorry about filling your inbox with silly stuff.
Aquagility, I did not give white bear as the answer. I just gave some background info. If you look above I was just behind you with the answer - polar bear.
Can ypu tell us which paper/magazine this is from, I remember reading that question at the week-end and was surprised at the answer - sadly I don't remember the answer. Thank you oh and welcome kc79
Question Author
it was in last weeks chat magazine.thanks for your help
teacher1, the last thing I wish to do is give offence. Perhaps I should be more careful - one of the problems with AB is that we do not have eye contact, so there is a higher risk of being misunderstood.

And I should join with you in welcoming kc79, and saying sorry for involving him/her in all this rubbish. I'm afraid that he/she will find that there's a lot of it about on AB.


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the first what in britain?

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