Question Author
Good afternoon/evening [probably middle of the night !!] everyone - had an extra hours sleep-in this morning, very nice.
Lovely to see how busy things have been while I'm not here.
No problems Christiana, I will make a note of that change when I'm scoring - we're a very flexible bunch and I doubt Kate would be that devious, putting the same question in again.
Uh oh, we have two entries from the Canadian snowfields - what's the saying 'divide and conquer' or is it 'two heads better than one' could be a case of either, whatever, I think those two are plotting mischief but very welcome
Glad to see a few familiar faces back, who quite understandably were not with us last weekend - families most definitely come first, but I'm happy you're back.
and a special hullo to the Hewat family, thank you Chris, I'm very well and hope you both are too - I really don't know what I can do to slow Shazza down for you, think you picked a clever lady there, and I really can't take sides - so good luck to both.
Well thats it from me till later, when some brave soul will post the second round [with AQ watching from the sidelines] and we'll know what Kate cooked up this week.
bye for now, Steff