There is a new Charity Sports & Leisure Quiz out this weekend: 100 questions, pics and puzzles for �3.50 (payable to Quizzes For Charity) Send to: QfC, 196 Telford Avenue, Stevenage, Herts, SG2 0AU
Include an email address for the electronic version.
Need to know which charity this quiz is in aid of please. I am not being mean but most charity quizzes are �1-�2, and nowadays you can never be too careful.Thanks
SAE is helpful but not essential. Charities which have benefited in the past include Macmillan, Garden House Hospice, Keech Cottage Hospice etc. You can check others on the website .
The amounts and recipients will be decided when total raised is known. I hope this helps. Regards the cost, there are several which charge decidedly more (eg Save the children is �10)