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Children of Fii

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smouse | 00:26 Mon 02nd Apr 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Anyone got any ideas at all on the
sounds a bit like cleo one
All I have seen suggested is cat but I have that elsewhere
Only Cleos I can think of are Cleo Laine or Rochas but that doesnt help at all


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There is a type of sea slug called a Clione or Sea Angel.
I suppose it depends on how one pronounces 'cleo one.'
The Sea angel I would pronounce 'cli-oh-ne' which to my ear sounds 'a bit like' as per your clue. So to match that I'd pronounce your 'cleo one' as 'cle-oo-ne.'
Wild guess on my part, but might help.
Question Author
and If I wrote better english it might be more help
I presumed by now everyone had seen this and the clue is actually
"sounds a bit like cleo"
the one just referrred to the question if you see what i mean
think its time I went to bed
thanks any way
Bit of a red herring then!!!
Good night. Sleep well.

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Children of Fii

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