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Granny C | 19:24 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
a new word between to two given ones to make a fresh word or phrase.e.g. He[man]age, or Easter[egg]white
8. new ....... ahead
28.String........ mop.
Many thanks.
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Do the dashes indicate the number of letters?
10. Poison pen tangle
16. Public property tax
Main - Street - Party
New - Look - Ahead
8. new look ahead ? xx
Just checking whether string is correct or could it be spring. Can't think of anything to go with string that fits mop but could come up with spring roll and roll mop
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utisz sorry but not the dashes don't represent the number of letters. Thank you all for your answers.
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utisz sorry but the dashes don't represent the number of letters. Thank you all for your answers.
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FoxLee you are right I have made a mistake it should be Spring, thank you for pointing it out
16. Public interest rate
27. Big brother love

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