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Castles and castle ruins

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tpw536w | 14:06 Thu 26th Apr 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
17)If not make of car
35)Flow with the crowd together in it but no e
36)Slang for bird and I'm
43)Rags and large house
45)Charlie x h
50)Pitch a tent and a campanologist uses these
52)Nations fighting k value
54)B before noon chartered town

Thanks for any help
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43. Tattershall Castle
50. Castle Campbell
54. Bamburgh (B + a.m. + Burgh)
17. Orford (or = if not + Ford)
52. Warkworth (war = nations fighting + k + worth = value)
Question Author
Thanks JMR27, Did quite a few last night but still lots to solve. Do any of these come to mind?
102)Stretched skin over frame
110)old biscuit firm
71)work the soil and put in the ground
56)pretending extreme modestry with gardening tool
72)mound of sand with o in it
77)finished Mr laurel, document granting priveleges

I will have another go tonight at the rest, may need your help tomorrow!!

72. Doune (dune + e inside)
77. Dunstanburgh (Dun, sounds like done for finished + Stan (Laurel) + burgh - doc. granting privileges)

Must go and do some work now but will come back to it later...
71 Tilbury
102) Drum ( near Aberdeen )
110. Huntly Castle (Grampian region) (Huntley & Palmer Biscuits)

56. Prudhoe Castle
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Thanks again everyone just 35, 36, & 45 to solve from this set!
45, Carlisle ? Charlie without an H - not sure about s though...
71. Tilbury

Tilbury Castle was built by King Henry VIII to guard the Thames estuary, and in 1588, when the Spanish Armada was threatening England, Elizabeth I famously addressed her army when assembled here to guard against the expected invasion.
110 Crawford Castle?

I'm stll stumped om quite a few
12 Use oars around ribs
14 Chair or horse with part of swine on end
16 Not shoe sole
19 Steer doat old meadow - Rowley?
21 River in louth not tall
35 flow with crowd together in it no e

Will keep going on the rest but would appreciate a kick on these. Many thanks GG
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granny grump the only one I have is 19 Helmsley??

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Castles and castle ruins

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