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Daily Mail Thurs 26/4

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tgriff67 | 12:00 Fri 27th Apr 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
26a - Man appears regularly in friary (3) R-Y. Ray? Can't think why!

27a - This part retained in weird earhole accident? (7) C-C---A

19d - Goose, 26 with leg broken on gulf (7) G-E---G


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26a Ray .. i.e. even (regular) letters in fRiArY
27a Cochlea ... hole + acc (Anag)
19d Probably "Greylag" goose . leg + g + 26answer? (Anag)
Sorry. 26 is Ray, anag with leg = type of goose.
Question Author
Thanks, Sarumite - I'd never have got cochlea!

19d Goose is Greylag, BTW.
Where does the second G come from ?
Hi K ... leg + ray + g(gulf) I assumed ?
Hi S . I thought that but I don't remember G as an abbreviation for Gulf and it's not in Chambers.
You're quite right K .. it appears the setter is taking liberties!
G may not be an 'official' abbreviation but it is in fairly common use - esp in atlases / gazeteers. I have just looked up Mexico & Bothnia in my Times Index -Gazeteer (1965), and they both have an entry under G. of !!
Thank you for that Kettledrum. I'm not sure about the abbreviation being in fairly common use, as I said in my post to Sarumite I could not recall a skilled setter using it in any crossword I've done in over 60 years.

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Daily Mail Thurs 26/4

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