5d "A violet or red dye used as a source of litmus and obtained from lichens" 6 ORC?I? This could be ORCHIL or is it ORCEIN? Chambers gives that the latter is purple and the former red or violet. So I am going for ORCHIL. Is this correct please?
Thanks to you three.
I was not aware of any earlier discussion for I've just got back home and tackled the Herculis immediately. I will make time to scroll through and check. I think this website is wonderful!
Thank you Aquagility. That link was very enlightening. I did scroll through many pages but had yet to find the earlier discussion. So thanks to you for giving the time and energy in helping. Interestingly the question of atomiser or atomizer came up earlier too. I reckon on atomiser but am not yet convinced it's with the 's' rather than the 'z'.
Hello Meadow Lane,
Re 4d
I think ATOMISER is more likely, as the correct English spelling.
ATOMIZER is American "English". Still it's another case for the toss of a coin.
To stay neutral use a Euro!
Good Luck.
Thanks for your posting. I've decided to put atomiser as the Oxford Reference Dictionary has "atomizer... (also -iser) ... " so as an earlier ABer says the Telegraph will have to accept both. Well, I hope so!