If I am that rude aber ont-ice you are bang out of order.
Do not for one minute suppose that you have any kind of opinion on MY situation.
I've seen you talk about YOUR situation and until now have kept quiet.
I dissaprove of people posting ALL of their quiz on this site........I've made that clear. You have made excuses for why. People should at least do some for themselves.
I myself have MS. I still don't cheat. My eyesight is indeed crap, so don't wish that on me again like your last post. I sometimes even have trouble co-ordinating enough to use a keyboard. I WAS NOT COMPLAINING.
I would have said nothing and allowed you your dream world where you are the only person with troubles.
Health should not have come into it surely? Because I don't like people posting every question here It's suddenly about health....well it aint...........my health is very bad.
Sorry to sound so angry, but you just assumed I was fit.
Feel free to knock me for being angry with MS, but never assume anything.