Kayakamina if you are still there. I'm stuck in left-hand corner now that I have a B in 1D. Obscure old boy, well-educated. (10) ?b?i???a?e The i is suspect.
This is my third attempt at posting this question.
Hi Aquagility! Off topic, but.....I decided to follow your advice on how to win at MM, and you seem to have gone for my normal tactics this week. What's going on there? I really don't recommend it if you sincerely want to be successful!
You've caught me out, kettledrum! I shall be away for the rest of this month, so I'm just having a bit of fun. Unless, that is, I happen across a DT, in which case I may get Pauline to post an entry for me.
Hi Aq
Yes, very strange. I can't recall who answered it, but not K.
Someone who is still wearing green.
I also note in my profile that one question has been banned.
I couldn't get on to AB and so, after no reply to my question, which was asking for answer to 6A. I gave up and then tried later.
I note on my profile that the original which didn't appear on the site has a "This question has been banned" across it.
I wonder if it's been banned for 'innocent' reasons - like you've repeatedly but inadvertently submitted the same question, which is entirely probable if you've been having problems. I don't know whether this would account for your respondent having his/her reply removed though.
Hi Kettledrum
The reply - the one removed - was to a different question and asked a couple of hours after my first question which is the one that has been banned.
I asked two questions.
1. Question banned.
2. Reply not showing, just my 'Thank you.'
The more I think about it, the stranger it becomes.....If it wasn't multiple posting of the same question which causes an automatic removal, someone has got to have reported it, n'est-ce pas? & there really was absolutely nothing in the reply that anyone could (reasonably) have objected to.
No. I asked K for 6A. the clue being (and this may be banned, too). What does help make bribe warrants changing (6 7). I said that I had Permits stuck in my mind and K answered that it was an anagram of bribe warrants making the answer Rabbit Warrens.
The second question was for 1D 'cos now that K had given me a B from the rabbit, I was confused re: Obscure old boy, well-educated to which the 'green' person answered Obliterate.
I can't fathom why or how either would offend.
Ah yes! I remember Roslyn now, as I expect everyone else involved in this chat does! Hi Roslyn! What an experience to undergo during your apprenticeship on Answerbank . Don't let it put you off.
Well, it was 3 second ago.
I give up. I've wasted too much time today trying to get through never mind trying to figure out why my question should be banned and the person who answered should disappear twice off the board.
Good night all.