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Children of Fiji music

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Left peg | 19:57 Tue 19th Jun 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
7) Reserved Indians of Otero County

22) In school from 7 to 11

38) Cape

55) Earth

64) In every direction

70) Confused lecturer in Seychelles

Any ideas please



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These are what I have
7) Tim Dog and the Apache Indian
22) Danny and the juniors
64) Jimmy James and the vagabonds
70) Yvonne and the warblers

Do you have 65,43,21.
Question Author
Thankyou for your answers Headley.

For number 43 I have K C and the Sunshine Band.

I'm afraid I still need 65 and 21. On my last legs with it now as I have to post it off today. I did have a bit of a brainstorm last night and managed to get a few more !
Question Author
Still need 4 and 38 if you can help.
Headley, for no 7) try Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros. Google should give you the Otero County connection
43 is KC and the Sunshine Band
for no 7 I have Billy J Kramer and the Dakotas
4 is Martha and the Muffins, I think

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Children of Fiji music

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