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Express 'Big Monday'

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Amber-Sum | 18:16 Mon 25th Jun 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
last two

use of words whose sound evokes thier meaning
12 letters


widow with a titlr or property inherited from her husband
7 letters


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first one looks like it should be "onomateopia" do you have the right number of '?'s there?
onomateopia, as mycats says
also you'd do better posting these in the Quiz & Puzzle section
Onomatopoeia does fit.
yeah it does fit, but not with the 'clue' that Amber posted - "o??o??t?p???a "
Sorry but my spelling does match Amber's number of ?s and the position of the p.

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Express 'Big Monday'

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