18a - Russian edictsounds like ours (5) I have - U*A*E 16d - Pant when riding swell (4,2) I have - PUFF,UP ( 1st U is Uin 18a ) Am I right?
Many thanks in advance
GoGo the Clown
By the way, the prize is a Collins Bradford's Crossword Solver and I have got one spare if anybody wants it. I've won 2 of those. Before the Solver the prize was a small Collins Dictionary ( 3 ), then a Pocket Collins Dictionary ( 2 ) - there are not many entries some weeks. The Mail on Sunday ( i think ) Bare Bones Prize is a Collins English Dictionary and Collins Thesaurus ( hard-back ). I won 4 of those - I have a set of them going free also if anybody is interested.
18a-Ukase and you are right with puff up.I would certainly be interested in the Bradford's Crossword Solver.If agreeable,my e mail address is: [email protected]
Good luck!