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cryptic clues

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kirstenemma | 14:53 Mon 02nd Jul 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
what does 19. nohfph mean?


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Hello kirstenemma
These look like ditloids, are they from a quiz. You will get a good response if you put the title of the quiz/crossword.
Then type in all questions for that quiz/crossword. Please don't ask seperate questions for the same theme. It means that no-one else gets a chance to be on the front page.
If you want to know something else, go back to your original post and submit another question. I can assure you it will be seen. Have a look at some with lots of answers already. Asking and answering can go on for hours if not days on the same posting.
I hope this makes sense.
If you post too often within a specific time you will be banned by AnswerBank.
Welcome to AB xx

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