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Private Eye crossword

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teiluj | 16:32 Thu 05th Jul 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
9 across: Fringes of Ugandan party get an innocent to engage in "Ugandan discussions"? (4). I have ?n?o


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Hi teiluj - to explain further, "Ugandan discussions" is a Private Eye joke meaning 'illicit sex'. Fringes of Ugandan are first and last letters UN plus DO for party.
JA thank goodness that teiluj asked for the answer to this particular clue as there are some VERY risque ones this week!

Regards K
Hi K - Yes, you're absolutely right - we're living on the edge with these questions, all answered behind the shed at the bottom of the garden. See you in jail . . . . ☻ja

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