no better than you I'm afraid and got other gaps
I got as far as Frank and I had gone for Charles
sorry not much help there was I
Have you done the rest
I daren't say I have smouse, cos the closing date isn't till end Sept, but as we pay for the quiz, I think we should be allowed to do them at our leisure, and this one I found easier than for example, the milk one! I would be delighted to give you some help, or clues if you need them. Will investigate Charles for no.11.
Thank you Dinkypuzzled & JMR 27, and smouse for putting me onto Charles instead of William. Had just solved the answer myself, but can't type as fast as you!
thats from me too
will plod on with others a bit
I tried so hard to find frank strangle or frank murder!!
I quite liked this but had forgotten about it in favour of the new Marie Curie one
anything is easier than the milk one - lol
I am sure I'll be back but will plod on a bit
can you just tell me if 9 is Joanne Rowling and if 8 is Jack someone for now please
No its not penny, and you couldn't have picked a harder question to explain. Penny is a type of ----------(4 letters)-now put an L in the middle to form a mans name. Put that name +?+author into google and see if it comes up with a surname.
Alternatively, as I know you like using a dictionary, think of a word for a person who is equally as good with their right & left hand. Just hope you are not now going to tell me somebody told you the answer at the weekend. Having typed all this it sounds too complicated to be correct!