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guardian 24135

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tawemanic | 15:29 Mon 23rd Jul 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
supplies a reduced value of statistical significance -r-s


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Answered previously as gris(t)
'Arms' is the answer in my opinion. That's 'a' from the clue + rms, the abbreviation (ie reduced) for root mean square a mathematical concept used in standard deviations in statistics. To 'arm' means to 'supply' in sentences such as "Armed with this information, I was able to..." Sorry, but I just can't see how 'gris' answers the clue!
I agree with you QM, this sounds more plausible. The other reply was given by kayakamina, and who's to go against his answers ?
When needs must, U, needs must! No-one's infallible.

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