Hi there, does anyone have a clue on what the following logos could be given by description?
1. A back to front P with a normal P inside a "wreath" with a crown above the letters 2. A red heart next to a black capital L 3. An embossed silver circle with an embossed funny looking H inside
Hope these are good enough description! Thanks for your help.
67 is Pink Floyd
Have you done section 12?
Can you make out what 107 is supposed to be - looks like a whale to me?
but then I cant make a word with the answers I have
Thanks for 69 smouse. Thought 67 was Pink Floyd but couldn't work out the bird reference til now! Have attempted round 12 but not sure how correct! Stuck on 107 as well, not sure what it is!
Well now we are getting into the spirit of things - lol
For section 11
I have K C H E H J ? D A
and just cant see a word
Someone said 105 was a spitfire but if you google image it isnt.