MM Links July 2007 [Week 4]
This is Queen Christiana about to hand over the royal warrant to whichever worthy successor emerges from the pack. Even if you�ve scored nothing yet, keep your eyes peeled and try your best. After all, what have you got to lose?
As anticipated, I have begun to enjoy myself; especially having it in my power to give �birth� to a new monarch with a genuine title to the kingdom. However, I mustn�t get too carried away. In the poem "Ozymandius", two vast legs were all that remained of the statue of a once proud king, and by this time next week my reign will be but a fading memory.
Like most of you, I know how to predict better than how to work out the scores. Hence, like all my predecessors, I have followed the same rule as crofter on word length. Each of my chosen link words contains at least four letters and at most eight letters. Stray outside this range and you will be wasting one of your attempts! The competition will officially close on Sunday Evening at 7.00pm, when crofter will declare my selected words and then apply the same rules for awarding points that have been applied during all MM Link Games in the past.
My final set of four words to have their links predicted should appear below at 9.00am and you are invited to predict the missing links.