And a bright good morning to everyone, particularly all those who successfully survived the coach trip to (S)'s place last night, especially he and his Mum, when they all landed on his doorstep !!!
Right now, down to business - in the foreseeable future a very stalwart and reliable friend [Aquagility by name] will post this weeks link words from this morning's crossword along with his own carefully selected matches. Then all and sundry are invited to do likewise in an effort to come up with Kate's selected combinations for this weekend. Everyone is very welcome to join in this thought provoking game and remember there are no limitations on letters, however the competition must close as soon as the links are published on Monday morning, so please have entries in before that.
Once that has happened, then I go to work and attempt to present a correct overview of the scoring, etc.and the frivolity comes to a close for another weekend.
On a personal note, thank you all for the extra little notes that pop up here and there throughout the postings - the greetings are always returned, though perhaps not on 'paper'
Thinking caps on everyone and good luck as we ready ourselves for the fray !!!
My paper hasn't even arrived yet as Aquagility solves his and provides us with the links. Meanwhile I rise from my sickbed, not that I've had that much sleep. I'm exhausted. I'm a grown man brought low by whooping cough, one of those childhood diseases that you thought you would never experience again, but, apparently immunity is not lifelong. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy -- the number of times that you think that you are going to die when you have these paroxysmal bouts of coughing and you cannot get a breath in. Extremely distressing.
ulysses100, you poor soul, that's not good news - having never succumbed to whooping cough, I can't imagine it - I'm just grizzling about a head cold !!!
Take it easy, obvious thing to say, but hope we see you on the mend very soon.
Am I right in thinking that no entry is allowed to replicate any other entry in all 4 Links - or is that only in the MM Links game? If so, I feel sorry for the late comers - they're going to find it quite difficult today!