question about pole dancing in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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question about pole dancing

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sweet~teen | 16:54 Tue 21st Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
A question about pole dancing got me thinking.I have never been to a strip club (and never want to) but I was wondering do pole dancers and strippers take ALL their clothes off and dance totally nude or do they keep on their thongs and just take off their bras? I know some male strippers take all their clothes off but don't know about women
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Hmmm pole dancers and strippers are 2 totally different things.
I think you would get a mouthful off a pole dancer if you called her a stripper.lol
Strippers basically strip , all clothes off...
Question Author
I know they're different things
dunno but jerzy dudek always kept his shorts on
Lap Dancers - Pants On.

Pole Dancers - Usually very scantily clad but clothes on nevertheless.

Strippers - All clothes off. Although not always. Some do only go to the thong.

Now.... Can anyone guess what I do for a living?
Hmm...I'm gonna say...Traffic Warden?
Hi ,Ruskie are you thinking of taking this as profession ?
China Doll, you're either one of the above (Burlesque?) or Vice Squad!
China, I knew you were into music but I didn't realise you were a thinger until you mentioned the thong!!

I think they keep on their thongs but keep a duffle coat handy for when they get cold.
I'm glad to hear that pole dancers keep their thongs on - I certainly wouldn't want to be a cleaner with all those 'private parts' sliding up & down it! Yuk!
LOL rabbitygirl!
Winter can be nippy.
So can crabs
<i. *backs slowly out of the room*
lol John!
Having frequented a few London strip bars (only on stag nights) where there is pole dancing, I have never seen one where the dancers keep their knickers on.
You don't go to very upmarket places do you love?
dont keep their knickers on??? Your kidding me? There's obviously pole dancing clubs and then there's the establishments supernick frequents

how do youi know they are pole dancers? I mean they might come from russia, france germany, why are only poles allowed to dance in this country? isn't that racist??
Yup Boobies, I tend to agree.

I always had him down as such a sweet, innocent little thing too.
Honestly, I'm surprised that the general concensus seems to be that they keep their pants on. Get yourselves down to Browns in Shoreditch and you'll see that nothing is left to the imagination. Some of the girls are more like strippers, but some have got the pole dancing skills as well.

It's alright for a laugh on a lads night out, but it's not something you'd want to do all the time. After a couple of hours you do start to look around and think, "Has this what it's come down to? Paying money to see girls take their clothes off?". :)

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