Not a question, just a post - finally got the book this morning and instantly saw what all the fuss was about. Many thanks to everyone who recommended it and I'm left wondering how I did without it for so long!
You mean the Chambers, of course. I was using an old one and that was pretty good, but this new one is a must for any crossword that uses obscure and/or obsolete words. Plus I'm constantly amazed at the additional meanings to 'ordinary' words, that I had no idea about. Until I started using it I honestly thought I could find pretty much everything on the internet dictionaries, but it 'aint' so. Even the on-line Chambers doesn't suffice.
sorry, I wasn't meaning the year, just wondering if there was any particular format (the way there are several different Oxfords), or jut the one? I haven't done a crossword for 10 years, having been more recently sucked in by sudokus, but keep telling myself I should try it again.
thanks, Physicsgirl. As I recall Times compilers have to use Collins because HarperCollins and the Times are both part of the Rupert Murdoch empire, but apart from that Chambers seems to be widespread among cruciverbalists. I do have one - but it's so ancient there's nothing between internee and interneural...
I have Collins too but since I started (trying) to do enigmatic variations in the Sunday Telegraph I really needed to upgrade since everyone else swears by it.
By the way Physicsgirl you could also add a Bradfords to your list to Chambers it's another must .
Anne Bradford is a brilliant woman who has been compiling her Crossword Solver's Dictionary since 1957, and regularly publishes new editions. She devotes a considerable time each day to solving crosswords, and notes, on average, 150 words a day.
Hard act to follow !
Thanks for the Wikepedia/Chambers link, Shaneystar - enjoyed reading through it. I endorse what you're saying re. the Bradford's, too. I got one earlier in the year and wasn't impressed at first glance, but changed my mind very quickly when I started giving it a go.
I have mentioned this before, when an ABer asked what dictionaries we used.
I have a Collins Million Word Crossword Dictionary, which I bought through Reader's Digest - ISBN 0-00-721318-2
I find it very helpful.
It's ever likely I struggle rather a lot. Have just looked at what I continually use!! The Unabridged Crossword Puzzle Dictionary-----dated 1963!! Really must now get up to date.