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beegeebee | 22:01 Sat 25th Aug 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Stuck totally (which is not unusual) for the last two answers to:- (1)Snake gets instruction in an instrument; (2) An old euro for a new road to another country. Many thanks in anticipation for any help. bee


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Forgot to add, both have seven (7) letters. Sorry
Rue - french for road, a bit of an anagram without the o
7 letters - in that case I don't know
2. could it be Ecuador (anag road) + ecu
1. Think it is Marimba - Mamba the snake with RI (religious instruction) in the middle. A bit cryptic!!
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Many thanks to both pennyb04 & Hazlinny, for your help, absolutely brilliant. All now fits together----marimba was totally beyond me, Don't think I'd have ever worked it out.

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