Have only tried this Xword a couple of times before & I'm really struggling to finish it. 11a Notice NI party make sense (5, two words) AD?U? 4d Eggs yet to be cooked, note (4) RA?U 9d Is tense after fine stuff in period of sudden activity in tennis (12) S?HA?R?ST?KE 17d Sovereign and Officer in Charge leading company in exuberant style (7) ?A?OCCO Fairly sure about all the letters given but, as usual, I could easily be wrong!
Thanks people. Particularly liked "SPHAIRISTIKE". My own particular favourite dredged up from the bowels of Chambers is "Taghairm" which seems to put so much meaning into 8 letters. I'll leave you to check it for yourselves. And , as I said, I'm not absolutely certain about all the letters