Very puzzled ! If 23D is SAND (Flowerbed in the desert? 4), how can 27A - Small mostly disgusting beetle (6) be WEEVIL, which is the only thing I can think of (WEE + (E)VIL) Any ideas, please?
Thanks kk - hello again! Had thought of GOBI, but can't see any commection between flowerbed (thought about river-bed) and cauliflower - let's see if anyone else is thinking laterally this wet and windy morn!! gk
On an only slightly related note, gardenknowin, did you know that Mike Nesmith's mum (he of the Monkees) invented Tippex. In our household, perversely, we call it Mickey Dolenz, as in "Where's the Mickey Dolenz? I've made yet another mistake in the crossword."
Why should 23D be Sand? What has that to do with flower beds? I thought Sand applicable to desert, but not to anything I'd plant a flower in!!! Could it be desert as in "to leave, abandon?"