How's everyone doing on this one? Still loads to do on section 5 and 7. Would like help please with a few in section 2. For those not doing this quiz these answers have to be places in UK whose names contain terms related to the weather. Thanks in advance for any help. 2 50:50, article unclear (10) 14 Clever fish going to salt water (13) 20 Shower value (9) 22 Drench that lady alongside (8) 24 Sort out the group of bags when bus leaves (11)
i an glad i an not only one with some left to do part five is my problem i dont know anything about those kind of questions, but still we plod on i have answers for parts 1,2 4 6 & 7 if i can be of help just ask cheersT
part 3 i have 25 could anyone tell me which lines i should look at to find others line 1 =7 line 2 = 4 line3=2 line4=2 line5 =2 line6 = 3 line7 = 2 line 8 = 3. thanks cheersT
Regarding Part Five - some of the previous answers are incomplete. Some sets of initials for song and artiste contain more than one reference to weather.
For example:-
2. Lightning / Ice
5. Sunshine / Rainy Day
10. Cold (twice) and Wet (3 times)
13. Tornados (+ if it was a weather satellite - Telstar)