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The William Quiz

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furrypusscat | 11:35 Sun 30th Sep 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
I appreciate there is a long time for closure of this quiz and I take note of certain criticisms. However answered all but one of these on my own but now would like help.

Author of 'An American view of England' (4,6) Name is to do with William-assume first name is 'Bill' or 'Will'
Thanks in advance.


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john corbin
answered before as Bill Bryson who wrote Notes on a Small Island
what number is the question - got my answers but not the questions
I think it may be 51 in which case its Bill Bryson
Question Author
Thanks for all for your quick responses and yes Smouse it is Q 51. I tried various resources but couldn't find the answer. I have now finished so If anyone else is struggling I will help if you wish.

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The William Quiz

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