I can assure you that I am not Spotty Dog, nor s/he me. As for spotting you swapping answers - you've all swapped just about all of them so there can't be many left.
There were 100 questions in this quiz and I doubt if more than 20 have been asked and I guess you have nothing better to do so maybe you can check and let us know
I don't think it's funny at all! You are the stupidest people I have ever come across. Having destroyed the essence of a quiz with ten weeks left to complete, what are you going to do now?
Just this last week received Sibsey Bowls Autumn quiz, Shady but colourful quiz (cancer charity) and Weeke Primary School quiz. Should keep me going for a while. Be out of contact after Sunday for a few days - visiting friends in Buxton but will be back Friday.