Is the answer to 26 dn (Gills of the axolotl are such) really just persistent? I expect it to be so much harder in this crossword but I can't find anything else that fits!
That's what we have and hubby did find it somewhere but he can't remember where but he confirmed it.
Trust this helps.
Just found it:
When it breeds in captivity the young develop into true salamanders of the genus Amblystoma. This also occurs naturally under favorable conditions, in its native localities; although it commonly lives and breeds in a larval state, with persistent external gills. See Siredon.
Or rather, athenae, instead of relying on the internet for all your answers and then whingeing that Google has all the answers try using your own brain and if unsure then check your guess in an ordinary paper dictionary.
Believe me it is more fun and more of a challenge plus when you get it right much more rewarding.
You really are a most unpleasant person. If this is the only sort of comment you can make, why don't you go off and annoy someone else. You contribute nothing to the good people who use AB - only insults.
No, macpark, the remark was not addressed to you it was in reference to an earlier rather smug remark by athenae about the Generalist crossword.
Believe me I am the most amiable sort of a chap. I don't believe any insult in the true sense of the word was made only a mild criticism which in any case was not of you.