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local hospice quiz

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gwinearman | 21:43 Sun 25th Nov 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
All the answers begin with the same letter, i would be grateful for any help.

1 He bridged many a gap up north 6 7
2 might he toast absent friends relatively speaking 4 9
3 Did this private eye go hawking in the med 3 5
4 Theres absolutely nothing to be seen in these conditions 4 4.


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1 Thomas Telford
3 Sam Spade (The Maltese Falcon)
oh I just did that one and came to tell you - lol
Do you have
7. Architect of a Dome but not in London (6.4)
30. An extraordinary day at the cinema (6 6)
42 She sounds a pain but might me helpful (5 4)
43 American castle in the air? (6 8)
43. Flying Fortress
42. Agony aunt
Thanks Kettledrum - much appreciated
Question Author
Sorry i could get back to to you before, but i have had problems getting on the site. also sorry but i don't have the answers to numbers 7 or 30 myself, as yet.

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local hospice quiz

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